First think that need to mention is although tally is planning to introduce TallyPrime, even if user is comfortable with Tally.ERP 9, one can work until and unless he becomes used to TallyPrime.
As a Tally Partner we will definitely suggest you to migrate to TallyPrime due to its fantastic new features.
Migration process:-
- Tally clearly specifies that migration is not chargeable so the first major barrier of costing is removed.
- Once user download exe and run exe, one can just open data drive and select co from Tally itself. Tally will take backup first and will migrate data. Yes it is that much simple.
- If you find it difficult Tally partners or Tally Support desk will help you.
Why Migration? :-
- Government is planning for E-invoicing, as like GST Tally will incorporate all such changes in Tallyprime upcoming releases.
- Licensing and Reporting will be very easy in TallyPrime.
- TallyPrime will save user’s time of data entry and reporting
Precaution to be taken before Migration:-
- Take data backup although tally is taking backup before migration
- Check TDL on TallyPrime and if it’s not working ask you preferred partner to modify it.
- Attend CBD IT Solutions online sessions and check all video’s on TallyPrime so that it will be easy to understand TallyPrime.