WhatsApp is the biggest messaging social media app in the world, you can send anything anywhere in the format of Text, Images, Videos, music, and PDF files, from one contact Number to another contact Number easily and quickly, most of our customers are using it. Leverage its reach to benefit you and help in making business more efficient. Our Tally to WhatsApp tool will help you to reach your customers quickly and effortlessly. You can send Invoice/Confirmation Receipt/Payment Advice/Outstanding Reminders.
The WhatsApp module is compatible with Tally Prime. Send any document from within Tally i.e. invoices, challans, etc. Instantly intimate your suppliers about payments made by you. Acknowledge payments received from your clients.
Why need?:-
If you want to send your Invoices in PDF files, Reports, Outstanding reminders, Follow-ups, and Text Messages through WhatsApp from Tally software, then this tool is very useful for you. Because with the help of these tools, you can very easily send text messages, Invoices in PDF format, also you can send reports, outstanding reminders, and Follow-up messages through WhatsApp automatically. You can also send in a group and broadcast Messages.
Benefits of Tally to WhatsApp Module:-
Our Tally WhatsApp integration uses “WhatsApp for the Web”. This eliminates costly per-message costs.
Receiving person knows it is an authentic message as he received the message from your numbers.
Send a customized invoice report, outstanding report or any other customize tally document also.
Additionally, you have the option to send digitally signed invoices along with our Tally Digital Module. If you want to send a digitally signed copy to your customer you can do can purchase our “digital sign module”. (It’s sold separately).
These tools which are being shown to you now, these tools will work on Tally Prime.
Let’s see how to implements:-
Google Chrome and Date & Time format is up to date
Step 1: Ensure Your Google Chrome is Up to Date. If not, do Update it to latest, Follow below steps:
Update it & ensure that chrome is up to date
Step 2 : Ensure – > System Date Format Should be:
E.g.: 04-05-2022 if not, then do change in pc date setting and make format as DD-MM-YYYY
Step 3: Add TCP
Step 4: Restart Tally (It is Mandatory to Restart Your Tally Prime after adding TCP)